lunedì 18 maggio 2009


Between myth and reality ...
The area of the island and Faraglioni Lachea of Acitrezza have mythological scenario: they are the same rocks that Polyphemus to Ulysses launched.
Ulysses, in his pilgrimage along the Mediterranean to return the island of Ithaca after the siege of Troy, lands on an island, the "Land of the Cyclops," which calls for the hospitality and wild giant Polyphemus. The Cyclops, however, kills some companions and devours them. To save, Ulysses is to intoxicate the rough wine giant, the only blinds the eye and so can go back to board. Unnecessarily blinded Cyclops tries to hit him throwing rocks as the tops of some mountains identified by the legend in "Faraglioni of Acitrezza.

But there are other legends, and this area has spectacular scenery of the novels of Giovanni Verga and the famous films of Luchino Visconti, "The earth trembles" in 1948, feature film shot with non-professionals selected from among the fishermen resume Acitrezza that the wires of the novel rod.

Ma .. really?
Where have these beautiful buildings made of nature and why the island is white, although it is in an area where the coastline is characterized by lava rock?
The explanation comes to us from the geology.

Where today is the highest volcano in Europe, existed during the Quaternary was a wide gulf "pre-Etnean", along which ran (and still runs) the contact line between the Eurasian and African plates. By friction between the two plates began, from 600 thousand years ago, a long period of volcanic activity underwater.

This framework is inserted half a million years ago, the birth dell'Isola Lachea and stacks, which arose from the sea following a massive earth movements that were rising to the surface to surface islands and islets previously formed in a submarine. And the origin of these rocks is their magma is confirmed by simple observation of the masses and basalt lavas, massive or columnar, present both here and on Lachea stacks. The basalt at the top of Lachea and Faraglione Grande, are covered with white clay, called marl, others are just a distant memory to the ancient, pre-existing platform Pleistocene clay.


Several hypotheses have been advanced by scholars to explain the evolution over time of the archipelago. According to a reliable reconstruction, instead of many outcrops there was originally a single block marly, about one kilometer long, which gradually underwent the slow and incessant erosive activity of sea and wind, giving life to the islands and a conformation stacks, surrounded by a tiara of rocks.
The Island of the Cyclops, then, derived from a single block volcanic, while the white cover on the rocky summit dell'Isola Lachea and Faraglione Grande is nothing but the old clay hardened and deformed by the heat of magma. At the point of contact may be characteristic of crystals of analcime, a mineral composed of aluminum-silicate of sodium.

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